
jueves, 5 de junio de 2008

Una rareza para todos ustedes.. que lo disfruten .

1.- ulcerated offal
2.- septic convulsion
3.- carnal trash
4.- pro-rectal fermentation
5.- fungus infected genitals
6.- erosed intestinal purulency
7.- the bitch doesn't need to be stitched
8.- choked in anal mange
9.- infected excremental slush
10.- slithered limbs
11.- defleshed by flies
12.- 138 minutes bodydisposal
13.- the end of love
14.- excremental mess of fecal putrilage
15.- crusty razors in a molding corpse
16.- mummification in a septic tank
17.- infested torso in a shallow grave
18.- fungating sexual orifice
19.- taste of vomiting maggots
20.- morbid phallus grinder
21.- exposed mangled orifice
22.- raped killed and sodomized
23.- decrepitated in foetal lepros
24.- chopped up face beyond recognition
25.- intoxicated
26.- purulent odour in stoma
27.- the taste of festering vomit



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